
Full stack developper

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Gradientify est un outil en ligne qui vous permet de trouver des gradients de couleur, des couleurs complémentaires et des icônes en fonction de votre recherche.

Gamemap Builder

GameCard Builder est un générateur en ligne qui vous permet de créer des cartes de jeu vidéo avec 16 types de terrain différents.

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PHP R CSS3 JavaScript HTML5 Markdown Python TypeScript GithubPages OVH Bootstrap Chakra Chart.js DaisyUI Electron.js Express.js Green Sock NPM Next JS P5js NodeJS React SASS TailwindCSS Three js WordPress Vite Adobe Lightroom Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere Pro Figma Dribbble Blender GIT Webflow Arduino

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hugo figma hugo figma hugo npm hugo pinterest hugo reddit hugo twitter hugo github

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I believe that the only way to truly appreciate innovation is to experience it firsthand. That's why I strive to turn each web project into an immersive journey, because I want you to be as wowed as I am.

Contact me /

Creative Development

If creativity is my canvas, then code is my paintbrush. I love building interactive and visually stunning websites.

Backend Development

I enjoy working on the server-side to create robust and scalable web applications.

Frontend Development

I bring designs to life with clean and responsive frontend code.

Design Tools

I have an eye for design and utilize various tools to create stunning visuals.